Who We Are
Little Shepherds was a vision of First Presbyterian Church, Lakeland. It has become a reality due to the perseverance and dedication of many lay people and staff members who saw the need for a weekday ministry to young children and their families. Little Shepherds was established in 1997 in response to parent requests for consistently affordable, quality child care in a safe and spiritually nurturing environment. Little Shepherds seeks to offer support to parents as they raise children in our complex and ever-changing society.
Little Shepherds is a church-supported program. It is regulated by the Polk County Health Department/Department of Children and Families with oversight from the session, pastors, and church administration of First Presbyterian Church (FPC), Lakeland. It is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. with the option of early drop-off and late pick-up. Little Shepherds serves children from three months through four years.